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19 June 2013

Dress for the party

Did you ever found yourself not knowing what to wear? How about what to wear at a great party?
Well, this post si meant to help you with that!

The White Dress


You can never go wrong with an elegant, fine, and stylish  white dress. White will always make you feel like a princess and white looks good on everyone!  I know it is said that the red dress makes a woman irresitible, but I strongly believe that a white dress has a even greater effect. For summer, a white dress is one of the best choices!

Nu va feriti niciodata sa purtati rochite albe. Albul nu are varsta si se potriveste oricui. Chiar daca se spune ca rochia rosie face orice femeie remarcata, eu cred cu tarie ca acel efect waw il are o rochie alba, oricat ar fi ea de simpla. Iar pentru vara, rochiile albe sunt cele mai bune alegeri!

Pretty in Pink
Soft pink is a great shade for a party dress.You should be a little bold and try an asymmetrical dress, something that will make you feel special. Do you like this one?

Rozul -pastel e o nuanta superba pentru o rochie de ocazie. Pentru un plus de efect, ar trebui sa optezi pentru un model usor asimetric. Este trendul acestui an si nu ar trebui sa-l ratezi! Va place modelul de mai sus?

Vampire Queen

Lately, the vampire theme comes and comes back. We love dark and mysterious, don`t we? A great party must have a great goth dress. That`s why I recomand a dress fitted for a queen: the queen of the damned!

In ultima vreme am tot fost asalatate cu filmele cu si despre vampiri. Sigur ca ati remarcat un nou stil, cu influente goth. O astfel de rochie e perfecta pentru o ocazie speciala.

Pretty Little... Princess
Looking like a princess never goes out of style! Try a dress that will make you feel like you`re going to the prom. It`s the best choice for every party. You will look fresh and youthfull!

Rochitele de printesa nu se vor demoda niciodata! Ar trebui sa optezi oricand pentru o rcohie cu un model tineresc si dragut. Asta iti va da o stare de spirit excelenta!

The Diva

Are you a model? Are you a celebrity? You must be, if you are wearing this dress! Choose to feel and look like a diva! And the party will seem to be in your honour.

Sunt rochii la care cu siguranta ai visat. Rochii care te pot face sa te simti ca un fotomodel sau o celebritate. Sunt rochii care stralucesc pur si simplu. Daca e o petrecere, atunci fii diva acestei petreceri!

Vintage Dream

Is it a theme party? It doesen`t really matter, if you`re wearing this gorgeous dress. As you know, vintage is the trend! What`s your favourite fashion icon? Dress like her, and this will be the best party ever!

Fie ca e sau nu o petrecere tematica, o rochie vintage e o alegere excelenta! Gandeste-te cine este femeia pe care o admiri cel mai mult din istorie si spune-mi cum s-ar imbraca!

Want to know where to find these gorgeous dresses? Shop here: short cocktail dresses! Best prices, too!

1 comment:

  1. Multumim pentru idei, frumoase tare rochitele alese de tine!


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